About Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery
Robotic surgery is the most technologically advanced and minimally invasive approach to complex surgical procedures available today. Before the surgical robots became available, Urologists performed operations on kidneys, bladder and prostates through large abdominal skin incisions. This meant a larger blood loss, longer hospitalization and prolonged recovery. With the advent of laparoscopy that all changed but laparoscopic surgery required a long learning curve and young physicians were required to take 2-3 additional years of training to become proficient.

How Robotic Surgery Works
The Da Vinci Robot has a Master Console where the surgeon sits and operates with a Salve Robot connected to the console. The Slave Robot is next to the patient, has 4 arms that hold instruments placed inside the patient body via laparoscopic ports.
While performing minimally invasive robotic surgery the surgeon sits at a console next to the patient and controls four robotic arms. One arm holds a three-dimensional camera and controls its movements, while the other three hold miniaturized surgical tools, which precisely replicate the surgeon’s hand and finger movements.
Dr. Plawner performs routinely prostate surgery for cancer and works closely with the manufacturer of the da Vinci system (Intuitive Surgical Inc. in Sunnyvale, California) to stay on top of this technology.
Dr. Plawner proctors other Urologists and helps them develop proficiency with the robot.
Benefits of Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery
As with other minimally invasive procedures, patients who undergo minimally invasive robotic surgery benefit in several ways: the procedure is less painfull, they don’t lose as much blood, the incision is smaller and less visible, they spend less time in the hospital are back to their normal activities faster. Most important of all, there are studies that demonstrate that they may have better clinical outcomes.
The advent of Robotic Surgery changed the landscape of Urologic Surgery. It was easier to learn the steps especially for Surgeons with extensive experience with open surgery. Intuitive Surgical, the inventor of Da Vinci Robot, gave a great support to train and help to incorporate this technology into every day practice.
The advantages of this type of surgery are great, most of the patients leave the hospital the next day, and there is a minimal blood loss and a speedy, minimally painful recovery. There is the preservation of continence and sexual function in prostatectomy patients. There are excellent results in terms of cancer free margins and cancer free life to follow.
For more information, contact Dr. Plawner by calling (212) 737-2330 for a consultation.