Understanding Prostate Cancer: Early Detection and Treatment Options

Prostate cancer is a significant health concern, particularly for men with a family history of the disease and those of African-American descent. Early detection is key to successful treatment, and modern diagnostics allow us to identify prostate cancer at its earliest stages, offering patients a better chance of a cancer-free future.

The introduction of the PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen) test has revolutionized early detection. Elevated PSA levels, combined with findings from digital rectal exams or abnormal ultrasound results, prompt further investigation. A prostate biopsy, performed painlessly under ultrasound guidance, confirms the diagnosis by analyzing tissue samples in the lab.

Once prostate cancer is diagnosed, staging tests are conducted to determine whether the cancer is localized or has spread to bones or lymph nodes. If confined to the prostate, several treatment options are available:

  1. Robotic Surgery: For healthy patients with a life expectancy of at least 10 years, robotic surgery is often recommended. This advanced procedure offers a high success rate, minimal recovery time, and preserves urinary and sexual function by sparing the neurovascular bundle.
  2. Minimally Invasive Perineal Surgery: Patients with prior abdominal surgeries or complications preventing robotic surgery can opt for a perineal approach. This method offers similar outcomes with minimal blood loss and quicker recovery.
  3. Radiation Therapy: For patients with shorter life expectancy or poor health, radiation options such as radioactive seed implants or external beam therapy provide effective treatment without the risks associated with surgery.

For those with metastatic prostate cancer, hormone therapy using Lupron and Casodex can help manage the disease by controlling its spread. Dr. Plawner also addresses the impact of osteoporosis that may arise from this treatment. In cases where cancer continues to progress, chemotherapy in collaboration with oncologists may be required.

Early detection and tailored treatment options are crucial in the fight against prostate cancer. If you’re at risk or have concerns, schedule a consultation to discuss testing and the best course of action for your health.